Sunday, February 27, 2011

Phase One - Integration of CC with her Sheep Peeps

As I earlier mentioned, CC's fate was not to be snuggled up on a Costco pet pillow in front of the fireplace.   She had been born outside in a sheep pasture and would be continuing a similar path here on our little hobby farm. We would not be bringing this sweet pup into the house upon arrival home from the Seattle airport. She would be taking up permanent headquarters in the sheep field.

We started CC off in a kennel inside of one of the shelters. This way, she could become familiar with the sheep and Julio while still being safe and comfortable inside the kennel. During the day, initially while we were with her, she was free to roam the field with the animals. At night, until she grew bigger and would be able to physically handle her protection role, she slept inside the confines of the kennel at night. It wasn't until she was 4 or 5 months old that we no longer locked her up.

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